How would you like to feel 50 % healthier just three months? You can. By focusing on three elements -- clean air, clean water, and cleaning out your body with powerful antioxidants.
First things first, let's talk about clean air. Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, so indoor air quality can have an important effect on your health. A high quality air purifier uses ionization to clear your indoor air of mold, mildew, dust, and germs. If you have pets or live with a smoker, an indoor air purifier can be even more important as it scrubs the air of smoke and pet dander.
Next, let's talk about clean water. Most people aren't drinking those 7-10 glasses of water per day, and even if they are they probably aren't drinking the right kind of water. Increasingly, studies are revealing that alkaline, ionized water is the best for bringing the body into proper balance for optimum energy and health. It also helps flush toxins out of the body and improves circulation and digestive function.
Third, examine what you eat. We're not talking about willpower here. But add a powerful antioxidant to your daily diet. Just a three oz. of a drink called Replenish can add 3,000 times the antioxidant effect of red wine. Replenish is made from muscadine grapes, which are loaded with natural chemicals that help improve cholesterol profiles, control blood sugar, and fight inflammation.
With cleaner air, cleaner water, and a cleaner body you will feel healthier. Take the steps today. For more information, go to www.
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